Our founders at Global Roots have collaborated on research projects with institutions and universities both in Switzerland and internationally, contributing to numerous publications in prestigious academic journals in the area of child and family psychology.  

With extensive experience in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies, we offer research consultancy services to meet the specific needs of your organization at every stage of a research project. Our consultancy services include study planning, design and implementation, statistical analysis, report writing, and presentation.

Selected publications

  • Reed, M., Marchal-Jones, E., Gaab, J., & Ooi, Y.P. (2023). Exploring resilience as a mediator and moderator in the relationship between cultural intelligence and sociocultural adjustment: A study of expatriates in Switzerland. International Journal of Intercultural Relation, 94. doi:org/10.1016/j.ijintrel.2023.101783

  • Marchal-Jones, E. Reed, M., Gaab, J., & Ooi, Y.P. (2023). Adjustment in Third Culture Kids: A systematic review. Frontiers in Psychology, 14. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1093046

  • Marchal-Jones, E. M., Reed, M., Gaab, J., & Ooi, Y. P. (2022). Adjustment in third culture kids: A systematic review of literature. Frontiers in Psychology, 13. doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.939044. 

  • Ooi, Y.P., Reed, M., Marchal-Jones, E., Meyer, A., & Gaab, J. (2022). Sociocultural Adjustment and Well-being in Third Culture Kids and their Families: Protocol for a Longitudinal Study. JMIR Research Protocols, 11(7):e30088. doi:10.2196/30088

Research Consultancy